Pilates Matwork Group Classes

Training is primarily performed using your own body weight, occasionally incorporating small tools such as balls, resistance bands, dumbbells, and foam rollers for added variety, efficiency, and focus. In a matwork class, you can expect to be challenged in terms of strength, coordination, flexibility, mobility, and balance.

With a maximum of six participants, a matwork class ensures you receive the full benefits of a group session while enjoying individual attention from your dedicated instructor, who is always ready to provide personalized adjustments.

Read more about the different classes below.

+   Full Body work out on Mat

+   Individual adjustments

+   Mental wellbeing

+   Strength & coordination

+   Flexibility & Mobility

+   Ending relaxation

Pilates Matwork

Class Intensity 1/3

Starting your Pilates journey or brushing up on the basics?

SLOW is our foundation class designed to provide you with the essential building blocks for your Pilates Matwork practice. During this session, we’ll guide you through a series of exercises to connect to your center and move to the rhythm of your breath. This class offers modifications and variations to meet needs of beginner of Pilates and those looking into getting deeper in their understanding of the basics. Anticipate a workout emphasizing fundamental techniques, precision and control. Prepare to reconnect with your body and mind, leaving each session feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.

This class is for you

Whether you’re new to physical activity, returning to exercise post-pregnancy, or simply seeking a slower-paced routine with a focus on refinement, this class is tailored for you. 

Pilates Matwork


Meaning to expand, evolve and learn. Exactly what we will be doing on the GROW class. Expanding our repertoire of movement, increasing intensity and challenge with classic and explorative Pilates exercises.

Expect to start out the class with mindful mobilising preparing for a balanced mix of layered full body strengthening. Full body strengthening sequences will build in intensity and end in a soothing stretch. Explore a matwork class grounded in the mat, using occasional probs of weights, ball, elastic bands and rollers to connect breath, body and balance. You will leave this class feeling, strong, connected and energized.

This class is for you

Take this GROW class if you are looking into building upon the foundation of your movement and Pilates practise. You are not a complete beginner, but used to movement and maybe even Pilates. 

Pilates Matwork

Class Intensity 3/3

FLOW is a dynamic class weaving together powerful movement in a flow from one exercise to the other.

You will meet intermediate to advanced Pilates exercises in a yoga inspired flow focusing on your strength, mobility, flexibility and balance. We will be flowing to the rhythm of our breath to connect body and mind in a class that is asking a lot, but giving back even more. Embrace this dynamic Pilates class and let it bring you body awareness, control and freedom of movement. Challenge your endurance as well as strength on this FLOW class to leave the studio feeling empowered, strong and confident in body and mind.

This class is for you

FLOW is a strong class at a higher intensity. You should therefore feel comfortable and at ease on our SLOW & GROW class before venturing into a FLOW class. This class offers less pause and less modifications to make space for flow and creativity, it is therefore not a beginners class.

Pilates Matwork

Class intensity 2/3

& STRETCH is our class combing warming Pilates exercises with feel good stretching.

It´s wrapped in warmth and ends in breath work. You may meet an occasional foam rolling sequence for compassionate self massage. It’s the class for self compassion and restoring your physical and emotional energy to realign, bring you space and clarity in body and mind.

This class is for you

& STRETCH welcomes everyone looking for a mindfull movement break from your everyday life. 

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