Your Pilates Studio
In The Heart of Aarhus


Small and personal Pilates Community with movement routed in Pilates. CANVAS is your functional movement method created to help you build strength, balance & flexibility in body and mind.


Building Strength In Body & Mind


Gift Card

Give the gift of movement for body & mind – a gift that makes a difference. You will buy the gift card online at the amount of your preference. The gift card will be sent to you in a pdf or you can pick up a physical card at the studio by appointment. 

Please allow up to 24 hours on weekdays for your gift card to be ready. 


Customer Reviews

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"De træningstimer jeg har haft hos Louise er de bedste træningstimer jeg i mit liv har haft. Louise har hjulpet mig med at genfinde styrke efter graviditet. Hun udfordrer og opmuntrer. Det er sjovt, trygt og rart at gå hos Louise og jeg vil til enhver tid anbefale hende hvis man drømmer om at blive stærkere og mere mobil."

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"I initially came to the studio recommended by a friend, due to a knee problem. Louise, who is a highly knowledgeable instructor, provided me with individualized, well-planned and structured classes, taking into consideration my need of a flexible schedule and limited time for training."

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"CANVAS er stedet for dig, der ønsker at udøve pilates med tid til nærvær, dygtiggørelse og resultater (af den helt gode slags!). Louise er den dygtigste instruktør, og hun var grunden til, at min passion for pilates startede for nu flere år tilbage."

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"I can’t thank, Louise, enough. She is by far the best Pilates instructor I’ve trained with. I’ve trained at SLT and Power Pilates in NYC and other studios which were amazing but the results I attained given the targeted care I received from Louise at CANVAS was superior. Within a few weeks of training, I felt stronger and more confident."

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"Louise er en dygtig og nærværende pilates instruktør. En time hos CANVAS pilates studio er wellness for krop og sjæl."

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"Pilates is an integral part of my life. Moving from London to Aarhus, finding Canvas Studios has made all the difference. Classes are challenging, corrections of alignment are given and the people are lovely. Highly recommended for a serious pilates practice."

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