Lotte Boje

Pilates Matwork INSTRUCTOR

Training Filosophy

By adopting an intelligent and quality-focused approach to training, I believe you have the best foundation to create positive changes in both your mind and body, now and in the future. The absence of obligation and the presence of joy in movement, along with the resulting benefits, should be what keeps bringing you back to the studio time and time again!

Teaching Style

In my classes, you’ll be welcomed by my calm atmosphere and gentle music. Together with exercises that vary in focus and intensity, this will ensure a complete workout for your entire body. My aim is to create a flow that takes you out of your head and into your body, leaving you with a calmer mind and a stronger body after each session.


Pilates Matwork / Pilates Reformer

About Me

My journey with Pilates began after having four children and feeling the intense need to regain my strength. When I discovered that Pilates could also help restore my mental balance following a life crisis, I was hooked! Here was a form of exercise that offered everything I was looking for, and it’s precisely what I hope to share with you.

On a personal note, I am married and a mother to four girls. I love spending my time on my passion for recipe development and food photography, which I share on Instagram under I also cherish taking walks and tending to our large garden during the season.


2024 : Pilates Matwork Instructor CANVAS AARHUS

2019 :  Pilates Reformer Instructor Free Spirit


2024 : BASI (Body Arts and Science International) Pilates Matwork Certification 

2019: Free Spirit Reformer Certification

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