CANVAS Greenie

Green smoothie recipe

I´ve been blending greens to greenies for eight years. I started during my rehabilitation after a car accident, as a tip I was given to get more greens, more vitamins and more energy that too felt good for my stomach. Honestly I thought it tasted a bit like grass, not exactly something I enjoyed. However eight years has gone by, I refined the recipe and now I would not go a week without it. These days I mostly use it to refresh and refuel after a morning run/walk or to regain energy during late workdays. It has not gone by unnoticed at the studio as I have been asked for the recipe. Here it is. Very simple. A pro tip? Be generous with fresh lemon juice and ginger to camouflage the taste of grass.


2 blocks of frozen spinach
1 large handfull of frozen broccoli
1 dl of oat milk
1/2 very ripe banana
2 dl water (approximately) depending on the texture you prefer
Fresh lemon juice
Fresh ginger

Want more sweetness? Add a small date!

Blend. Enjoy right away or save it in the fridge to refuel your afternoon.

greenie opskrift - canvas greenie

A source of vitamins and minerals

CANVAS greenie primarily consists of spinach and broccoli. Mainly because, I previously found it difficult to include these vegetables in my diet simply – because they didn’t taste particularly good to me. Spinach is a nutrient-rich vegetable. Its dark green leaves are filled with vitamins such as A, C, and K, as well as folate, iron, and antioxidants. Broccoli contributes to this greenie with vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants like sulforaphane, which has potent anti-inflammatory properties. All of these elements nourish and form a solid foundation for your greenie. Topped with ginger, you get a nutrient-rich and flavorful green smoothie. A good tip is to buy the vegetables frozen and preferably organic. I prefer REMA1000 organic fruits and vegetables for my smoothies – good price and good quality. However, make sure your blender can handle blending ice; not all are as effective with frozen ingredients.


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