Pilates som smertelindring med spondylolistese

Læs Müriels klient historie med genoptræning af rygsmerter som følge af spondylolistese. Et træningsforløb der tager hende fra en hverdag med smerter til en stærk krop og en uddannelse som Pilates Matwork instruktør.


Kroniske smerter er invaliderende for mere eller mindre alt hvad man foretager sig. Det dræner fysisk og mentalt overskud, giver dårlig søvn, bekymringer og mindre mod på hverdagen. 

Nedenfor kan du læse om Christel. Hun har Spondylolistese, som er en skæv placering af ryghvirvler. Hun giver sin historie omkring arbejdet med Pilates som træningsmetode for at afhjælpe smerter i ben og ryg. 

Pilates training at the CANVAS studio with Louise changed my life!

Müriels rejse med Pilates som genoptræningsmetode

Almost a year ago, though I had been suffering from a back problem for several years and after months of unsuccessful painkillers and pain therapy to avoid major back surgery, my neurosurgeon suggested that I tried Pilates as the last alternative to surgery. I didn’t know what Pilates was and I wasn’t a big fan of yoga…… I later learned on my own that Pilates and Yoga can be complementary but are definitely not the same.

I contacted Louise in September 2022, and she took all the time to listen carefully to my medical situation, to explain me clearly how on-machine Pilates could help me improving my health and she offered me free trial training to see what might or might not be beneficial to me. I started my Pilates training with private lessons exclusively on machines (Reformer and Chair which at first sight are scary but are so great!). The first few classes were extremely demanding, especially because I was super limited in my own movements due to my back and leg problems. However, Louise was extremely patient and made sure to choose the most optimal exercises with the purpose of increasing strength and to allow the stretching of my whole body.

I started to feel the benefits of these Pilates workouts very quickly: my body got stronger and my body shape started to change in a very positive manner. Surprisingly, I was able to walk again for several hours without pain. This improvement in my physical condition and the change in my body shape was also highlighted by my family and friends who were so happy to finally find me fit and able to move and enjoy life without permanent pain or body complaints.

Since January 2023, in addition to the training on the reformer/chair, I am also following matwork training at the studio and I am able to perform exercises that I would never have been able to perform nine months ago. I now train up to 3 times a week with Louise and will soon be joining a training course to become a mat Pilates teacher. At the moment, my back surgery is no longer on today’s agenda.

Very importantly, Louise is an excellent dedicated teacher. She is extremely professional, has excellent coaching skills and a very good knowledge of physiology, she is patient, extremely supportive, very nice and friendly and super sweet. Her Pilates studio is beautiful and very pleasant. She knows how to take care of her customers with nice little attentions. Passing the door of the CANVAS studio is the guarantee to offer to your body and your mind an astonishing and refreshing moment of well-being and to take good care of your health.

Indeed, Pilates classes are not the cheapest, but our health is priceless and Pilates classes are excellent value for money! I can clearly state and certify that Pilates saved me from major surgery and changed my life by improving my muscle tone, flexibility and strength. I feel good in my body and in my head and the only two people I have to thank for that are my neurosurgeon and Louise!”

I was able to walk again for several hours without pain

Kroniske smerter

Længerevarende smerter – også kaldet kroniske smerter – betegnes som smerter, der har stået på i over 3 måneder.  Kroniske smerter skal ikke forveksles med for evigt, faktisk er der gode chancer for, at kroniske smerter kan blive bedre. Såfremt din smerte har stået på i over 3 måneder og at du har en faktisk skade, skal dette ses i henhold til helingstiden på din vævsskade. I nogle tilfælde vil dine smerter fortsætte, selvom din faktiske vævsskade er helet. Jo længere tid du går med smerte, jo mindre er sandsynligheden for, at det skyldes en faktisk vævsskade. I stedet vil din smerte, med alt sandsynlighed, være påvirket af andre psykiske og sociale faktorer samt et sensitivt nervesystem. 

Faktorer i et genoptræningsforløb

Eftersom en længerevarende smerteproblematik som oftest er påvirket af flere faktorer er der derfor heller ikke en rigtig måde at genoptræne og smertebehandle på. Ønsker du at høre, hvad et specialtilrettelagt forløb kan gøre for dig er du altid velkommen til en gratis konsultation.  

  1. Li, X., Shen, J., Liang, J., Zhou, X., Yang, Y., Wang, D., Wang, S., Wang, L., Wang, H., & Du, Q. (2021). Effect of core-based exercise in people with scoliosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Rehabilitation35(5), 669–680.
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